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Watch on demand webinar recording: Boosting Enterprise Value with IoT Connectivity Platforms with 1oT

IoT Connectivity Platforms can play an important role in boosting the enterprise value of your business. However, the industry has made it difficult to understand the difference between the available platforms, what they can do for you and if they are necessary for your IoT deployment.

In this session, Velos IoT's (JT IoT at the time) Head of IoT Sales, Graham Hart-Ives, is joined by Velos IoT's Senior IoT Product Manager David Lindblad and special guest Märt Kroodo - Founder and CEO of 1oT - leaders on the IoT market for a deep dive into IoT Connectivity Platforms.

In the session, w

e cover:

  • What you need to know about deploying globally
  • What are IoT Connectivity Platforms, and what value can they bring
  • Common mistakes when selecting an IoT Connectivity Platform
  • The platform features to look for
  • Use cases - which industries succeeded in implementing IoT Connectivity Platforms 

To access the presenter slides and webinar support materials, please contact the Velos IoT or 1oT teams. 

If you would like to see some practical examples and IoT Connectivity Platforms in action, have a look at what Velos IoT's proprietary Nomad platform can do or request a demo with our team.  

About our guest:



1oT is a carrier independent cellular connectivity provider for IoT service providers. We solve the complexity of working with multiple carriers by providing one eSIM card with access to all of our carrier partners, a connectivity management platform, and one invoice.

Today, the company serves 400,000 IoT and M2M devices worldwide. Customers range from the micromobility industry and tracking devices to consumer products and smart city solution providers.

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